Thursday, December 17, 2009

FUTSAL - stupid but happy

seriously!! This blog is killing me. It started with the feeling of sume-org-ade-blog-so-aku-pon-nak-ade-jugak, and now I’m stucked with nothing to keep it updated. Thanks to my first and only follower for now, I tot I’m just going to bury it to death. Hoho~

the picture above is currently my desktop background. To be MY desktop background, the picture has to give me the sense of happiness and excitement (that’s y it always turned out to be the picture of my beloved Korean actors!!  ). So the point here is, this picture really DOES make me happy.

The people in the pic are my futsal team members. It was taken during the intervarsity games held in UKM bangi. We looked extremely happy in this picture, and we actually DID. But i ponder, wether the happiness came due to the winning, or due to joy of playing our favourite sport together. Whatever it was, we WERE happy!

To be honest, we are not professionals, not even good players. They (the boys) even laughed at us when we “kicked” the air instead of the ball, we shouted and screamed when the ball run not to the way we kicked it (and we blamed the ball instead of blaming our crooked kicks), and we spent so much time of the game just to say sorry to each other (especially to the opponents) when we unintentionally kicked their legs or made them fall. Whatever happens, it always a joy for us to play together, and to still keep kicking and defending, no matter how big the mouth of the boys laughing.

Seriously, futsal IS totally fun, even though it is played stupidly. I was kind of disappointed, because there were not much team sent for this sport during the games. I tot it is popularly popular nowadays. Come girls. Let’s kicking and boil the fats! :)