pergh. title mcm jendul je kan. tp btol la tu. this is actually the theory dat i've created long time ago, after living with "ugliness" for 23 years. this is my theory, so it has nothing to do with anybdy else, no offense, because all stuff here, are all about me per se.hehe.
yeah, curse me for keep saying myself ugly. most of u might think that i may be an ungrateful person, who doesnt know how to appreciate what God's gave me. but please, please, please bear in your mind, that
and this theory that i want to share to u, shows how happy I AM for what I AM.
beauty is a gift. it may give u good-looking boyfriendS,and u may have no prob to buy any clothes or accessories (wpon beli kat downtown je pon, for example selipar roxy, it'll look like a REAL roxy). but let's take a look at the other side. ugliness also is a gift!
1. u will have ABSOLUTELY no problem to walk alone in the shopping mall, or along a quiet-nobody's there-road, because no one bother to look at u, or even to do "bad things" to u.
2. u will have no problem to stand alone in a non-woman couch komuter, with all the guys surrounding u, because they will just take u as one of them.
3. when it comes to getting friends, u surely can find them a lot and surely u ll have
good realtionships with them. y? because there's no way they would feel jealous of u, and there's no reason for them to do bad things to u, bcoz u are not capable to jeopardize anybody's relationship or status or watsoever.
4. your bestfriend would not mind to let her boyfriend to help u or to share food with u, bcoz she knows her boyfriend will NOT EVER fall for u.
5. u dont have to worry so much about your outfit, or your behaviour, (xperlu cover la pendek ceritenye) bcoz nobody bothers, even your own self. huhu
6. u will be safe from the casanovas! hurray!! (if he tries to fool u, he is a fool then. u need no brain to think that he' cheating u. )
7. u will be the strongest person on the earth, because u can easily bear with all the critics. they are like music to u. and it will come to a stage where praises hurt u!!
8. the fact that u r still single, is something dat u will not have to hide and feel shame about it. coz everybody knows!
9. when u fall for someone, n that person fall for other person, u get over it easily. because it's a predictable outcome, and u r prepared for it the moment u fall in love with that person.
10. the best part of ugliness is.. the person who really likes u or loves u, will be a very good and sincere person. because he doesnt fall for your looks, but your inner self.
(dat's y u r still single, coz such person does not exist.haha)
so... can u see that being ugly is beauty?